Summertime Lessons
I drove into the middle-school parking lot and caught sight of parents huddled together, clutching each other in fear. Tears flowed. Peeking through windows, I saw knuckle-bumping, bear-hugging and dancing on desk-tops. Margaritas flowed.
Ah, school let out for summer.
After the initial shock - and bottle of White Zin - wore off, Contessa turned to Merlotta for help weathering the next couple of months. After all, Merlotta was the emergency relief block captain during Hurricane Ike. Her yummy tuna baked-bean and just-out-of-date cream cheese casserole saved more than a few from dry Cheerios.
"Keep 'em busy," she said, emptying my cat's litter box. "Establish a routine," she added, as I handed her the bag of Tidy Cat.
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